29 October 2011
22 October 2011
Clare Gerada's speech to the RCGP conference
"Like blood, health care is too precious, intimate and corruptible to entrust to the market"
Woolhandler & Himmelstein "When Money is the Mission –The High Cost of Investor-Owned Care," New England Journal of Medicine. 1999
The full text of the speech in case you prefer to read it (and it is quicker to read) is below.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
13 October 2011
What to do with Lansley's rotten bill
The Liberal Democrats have let us all down on a grand scale but there are a few around with a great deal of common sense. Charles West is one. Read what he had to say here: pdf. Of course, any doctor with a modicum of nous could have written this. Not many politicians could. But then Charles West is a doctor.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
09 October 2011
What NHS managers think of the bill
97.1% of managers say withdraw the Health and Social Care Bill (pdf).
Posted by
Dr Grumble
08 October 2011
Open letter to the Lords
Here is the text of a letter from doctors in England to the Lords:
As doctors in England, we are writing to you to express our conviction that the Health and Social Care Bill will irreparably undermine the most important and admirable principles of the National Health Service, and to appeal for its rejection by the House of Lords.
Because it is universal and comprehensive, and publicly accountable, and because clinical decisions are made without regard for financial gain, the NHS is rightly regarded all over the world as the benchmark for fairness and equity in healthcare provision.
The transfer of services to private, profit-making companies will result in loss of public accountability and a damaging focus instead on low-risk areas that are financially profitable. A confused patchwork of competing providers will deliver a fragmented and inequitable service and any reliance on personal health budgets or insurance policies will further increase inequality. Because there will be a financial incentive for providing treatment patients will be over-treated, the potential costs of which are limitless. And the possibility of the commissioning role being outsourced to the private sector is also deeply concerning.
In forcing through this ill-conceived Bill, without an electoral mandate and against the strident objections of healthcare professionals, the Government is also ignoring overwhelming evidence that healthcare markets are inefficient and expensive to administer.
The public has been misled throughout, first by claims that no major reorganisation of the NHS would be undertaken, later by repeated denials that what is happening represents privatisation, and furthermore by suggestions that the Bill enjoys the support of the medical profession. We do not accept the argument that "things have already gone too far" - the enactment of some of the Bill's proposals has been premature and illegal, however some of its most damaging aspects may still be mitigated.
We believe that on moral, clinical and economic grounds, the Health and Social Care Bill must be rejected.
If you are a doctor in England and would like to put your name to this letter please email Jonathan.folb@nhs.net with your details. Feel free to circulate this letter further. Time is now very short. Do it now.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
04 October 2011
Lords save us
Here is the text of an open letter to the Lords from nearly 400 doctors:
Dear Honourable Members of the House of Lords,
As public health doctors and specialists from within the NHS, academia and elsewhere, we write to express our concerns about the Health and Social Care Bill.
The Bill will do irreparable harm to the NHS, to individual patients and to society as a whole.
It ushers in a significantly heightened degree of commercialisation and marketisation that will fragment patient care; aggravate risks to individual patient safety; erode medical ethics and trust within the health system; widen health inequalities; waste much money on attempts to regulate and manage competition; and undermine the ability of the health system to respond effectively and efficiently to communicable disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies.
While we welcome the emphasis placed on establishing a closer working relationship between public health and local government, the proposed reforms as a whole will disrupt, fragment and weaken the country’s public health capabilities.
The government claims that the reforms have the backing of the health professions. They do not. Neither do they have the general support of the public.
It is our professional judgement that the Health and Social Care Bill will erode the NHS’s ethical and cooperative foundations and that it will not deliver efficiency, quality, fairness or choice.
We therefore request that you reject passage of the Health and Social Care Bill.
Jo Abbott
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Rotherham
Dr Sushma Acquilla
International Faculty Advisor, UK Faculty of Public Health and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London
Dr John Acres
Head of the School of Public Health, Wessex Deanery
Dr Mayada Abu Affan
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Dudley PCT
Dr Nicholas Aigbogun
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Health Protection Agency West Midlands
Professor Priscilla Alderson
Professor Emerita of Childhood Studies, Institute of Education, University of London
Dr Rob Aldridge
Academic Clinical Fellow (Public Health), University College London
Dr Kirsty Alexander
Public Health Directorate, Gloucestershire PCT
Martin Allaby
NHS Consultant in Public Health
Ben Anderson MPH, MFPH
Acting Consultant in Public Health, NHS Sheffield
Dr Elspeth Anwar
Public Health Registrar, Mersey Deanery
Dr Ike Anya
Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Charlotte Ashton
Public Health Specialty Registrar in London
Professor John R Ashton, CBE
Director of Public Health, Cumbria
Matthew Ashton
Assistant Director of Public Health, NHS Knowsley
Dr Esther Aspinall
Specialist Registrar in Public Health, West of Scotland
Dr Daphne Austin
Chair of the UK Commissioning Public Health Network
Dr Ishraga Awad
Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Dr Sallie Bacon
Associate Director of Public Health, Hampshire
Dr M R Bahl
Consultant in Public Health & Communicable Disease Control (retired)
Dr Simon Balmer
Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Dr Helen Barratt
Research Training Fellow/ Public Health Specialist Registrar, University College London
Prof Mel Bartley
Director of the ESRC International Centre for Life Course Studies, University College London
Dr Subhashis Basu
Specialist Registrar in Public Health and Accident & Emergency, NHS Rotherham and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Alison Bell
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Wiltshire
Dr Paul Batchelor
Consultant in Dental Public Health, Thames Valley and Senior Lecturer, UCL
Dr John Battersby
Medical Director, Eastern Region Public Health Observatory
Jackie Beavington
Associate Director of Public Health
Dr Charles R Beck
Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Jane Beenstock
Specialty Registrar, NHS County Durham and NHS Darlington
Dr Ruth Bell
Clinical Senior Lecturer/Honorary NHS Consultant in Public Health, Newcastle University
Professor Yoav Ben-Shlomo
Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, University of Bristol
Helen Bewsher
Public Health Intelligence Specialist, NHS Kirklees
Dr Sohail Bhatti
Interim Director of Public Health Medicine, NHS East Lancashire
Professor Raj Bhopal CBE
Professor of Public Health, University of Edinburgh
Amy Bird
Specialty Registrar Public Health, London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Dr Christopher A Birt
Senior Research Fellow / NHS Public Health Physician, Liverpool
Andrew Boddy
Director (retired), Public Health Research Unit, University of Glasgow
Sarah Bowman
Specialty Registrar Public Health, NHS Tees
Dr Ian Brown
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Hertfordshire
Dr Claire Bradford
NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Dr Fiona Bragg
Specialty Registrar Public Health
Professor Carol Brayne
Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cambridge
Professor John Britton
Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nottingham
Dr Helen Bromley
Division of Public Health and Policy, University of Liverpool
Jilla Burgess-Allen
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Derbyshire County PCT
Julia Burrows
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Bradford and Airedale
Dr Jenny Bywaters
Senior Public Mental Health Adviser, Department of Health (retired)
Dr Nigel Calvert
Associate Director of Public Health, NHS Cumbria
Dr Corinne Camilleri-Ferrante
Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Head of School of Public Health
Professor Simon Capewell
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Liverpool
Professor Francesco P Cappuccio
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Epidemiology, Warwick Medical School
Dr Robin Carlisle
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Rotherham,
Dr Marie Casey
Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Dr Jacky Chambers
Director of Public Health, Heart of Birmingham tPCT
Dr Jennifer Champion
Acting Consultant in Public Health, NHS Forth Valley
Dr David Chappel
Assistant Director, North East Public Health Observatory
Hannah Chellaswamy
Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Sefton & Training Programme Director, Cheshire & Merseyside, NW School of Public Health
Professor Aileen Clarke
Professor of Public Health & Health Services Research, Warwick Medical School
Professor Stephen Clift
Professor of Health Education, Canterbury Christ Church University
Dr RA Coates
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Southampton City PCT
Prof Michel P Coleman
Professor of Epidemiology and Vital Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Katherine Conlon
Speciality Registrar in Public Health, NHS South Gloucestershire
David Conrad
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Knowsley PCT
Dr Joanna Copping
NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Dr Gary Cook
Consultant Epidemiologist, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Derek Cook
Professor of Epidemiology, St George's, University of London
Dr Emer Coffey
Consultant in Public Health, Liverpool PCT
Ellen Cooper
Public Health Specialist, NHS Stockport
Mary Corcoran
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Nottinghamshire County
Jonathan Cox
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Norwich Medical School
Maureen Crawford
Director of Public Health, Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust/Sunderland City Council
Dr Tricia Cresswell
Consultant in Health Protection, Health Protection Agency/Deputy Medical Director, NHS North East
Dr James R Crick
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Yorkshire and Humber Deanery
Denis Cronin
Public Health Consultant, NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Professor Ann Crosland
Professor of Nursing and Public Health Lead, University of Sunderland
Dr Elizabeth Crowe
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, SE Scotland
Dr June Crown, OBE
Former President, United Kingdom Faculty of Public Health
Professor Steven Cummins
Professor of Urban Health & NIHR Senior Fellow, Queen Mary University of London
Sarah Cuthberson
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, South Yorkshire Health Protection Unit
Dr Fiona Day
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Sheffield PCT
Valerie Delpech
Consultant Epidemiologist Health Protection Agency
Prof Elaine Denny
Professor of Health Sociology, Birmingham City University
Martin Dockrell
Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health
Dr Hiten Dodhia
NHS Public Health Consultant, Lambeth PCT
Professor Danny Dorling
Professor of Human Geography, University of Sheffield
Dr Flora Douglas
Lecturer in Health Promotion, University of Aberdeen/NHS Grampian
Dr Peter Draper
Freelance health policy analyst
Dr Julian Elston
Consultant in Public Health, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly PCT
Barry Evans
Consultant Epidemiologist
Professor David Evans
Professor in Health Services Research, University of the West of England
Dr Jamie Fagg
Research Associate in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UCL Institute of Child Health
Andrea Fallon
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Oldham
Dr Tracey Farragher
Senior Research Fellow, Academic Unit of Public Health, University of Leeds
Dr Jill Farrington
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Calderdale
Greg Fell
Consultant in Public Health, NHS
Natalie Field
Public Health Consultant, South Gloucestershire
Dr Richard Fielding
Professor of Medical Psychology in Public Health, University of Hong Kong
Dr Tim Fielding
Public Health Registrar
Dr Alastair Fischer
Health Economist, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Paul Fisher
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, West Midlands East Health Protection Unit
Dr Julian Flowers
Director, East of England Regional Public Health Observatory
Dr Alison Forrester
Clinical Advisor to NHS North Yorkshire and York
Kirsten Foster
Health Improvement Practitioner Advanced, Kirklees PCT
Dr David Foxcroft
Professor of Community Psychology and Public Health, Oxford Brookes University
Sue Frossell
Consultant in Public Health (Health Protection and Improvement), NHS Milton Keynes
Dr Tom Fryers
Hon. Professor of Public Mental Health, University of Leicester
Dr Alison Furey
Independent Public Health Consultant
John Gabbay
Emeritus Professor, University of Southampton
Dr Linda Garvican
QA Director, Cancer Screening Programmes, NHS South East Coast
Dr Alexander Gatherer
Former Director of Public Health, Oxford
Dr Katie Geary
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Health Protection Agency East Midlands
Dr Ivan Gee
Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Steve George
Reader in Public Health, University of Southampton
Dr Daniel Gibbons
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Public Health, Imperial College London
Professor Ruth Gilbert
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Child Health, University College London - Institute of Child Health
Professor Anna Gilmore
Professor of Public Health, University of Bath
Dr Suzanne Gilman
Public Health Speciality Registrar, NHS Central Lancashire
Dr Michelle Gillies
Specialist Registrar Public Health and Clinical Lecturer Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Dr Jay Ginn
Visiting Professor, Institute of Gerontology, Kings College London
Professor Michael Goldacre
Professor of Public Health, University of Oxford
Chris Godfrey
Consultant in Public Health, Solihull Primary Care Trust
Sara Godward
Locum Consultant in Public Health
Dr Paula Grey
Joint Director of Public Health, Liverpool PCT/Liverpool City Council
Professor Selena Grey
Professor of Public Health, University of the West of England
Dr Carl Griffin
NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Professor Rod Griffiths CBE
Former President, Faculty of Public Health
Sarah Johnson Griffiths
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Western Cheshire
Professor Sian Griffiths, OBE
Former President of the Faculty of Public Health
Rachael Gosling
Locum Consultant in Public Health, Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust
Dr Hilary Guite
Director Public Health and Well-being, NHS Greenwich
Dr Fay Haffenden
Consultant in Public Health Children & Health Inequalities, NHS Cambridgeshire
Professor Sir Andy Haines
Professor of Public Health and Primary Care, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr Jennifer Hall
Public Health Specialty Registrar, London
Tom Hall
Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Mr John Hampson
Public Health Specialist, NHS Western Cheshire
Wendy Hannon
Public Health Commissioning Manager, Plymouth PCT
Dr Maggie Harding
NHS Consultant in Public Health (Medicine)
Dr Andrew Harmer
Honorary Lecturer in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr Ruth Harrell
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, West Midlands
Lynda Harris
Director of Public Health, Wales
Dr Shamil Haroon
Public Health Registrar, Sandwell PCT
Professor Stephen Harrison
Honorary Professor of Social Policy, University of Manchester
Dr Wayne Harrison
Consultant in Public Health
Martin Hawkings
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS North Yorkshire and York
Hazel Henderson
Consultant in Public Health
Alan Higgins
Director of Public Health, Oldham
Dr Christine Hill
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Cambridge
Dr Christine E Hine
Head of School & Training Programme Director, SW Public Health Specialty Training Programme and Consultant in Public Health, NHS Bristol & NHS S Gloucs
Julie Hirst
Public Health Specialist, NHS Derbyshire County
Dr Sue Hogarth
Public Health Specialty Registrar, University College London
Dr Jason Horsley
Specialty Registrar in Public Health Medicine / Honorary Clinical Lecturer
Dr Anita Houghton
Consultant in Public Health, London
Professor Walter W Holland, CBE
LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics
Dr Peter Horby
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Julie Hotchkiss
NHS Consultant in Public Health, Wigan
Dr Rob Howard
NHS Public Health Specialty Registrar
Dr Jonathan Howell
Consultant in Public Health, West Midlands Specialised Commissioning Team
Clare Humphreys
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
Professor David Hunter
Professor of Health Policy and Management, Durham University
Louise Hurst
Public Health Specialty Registrar, University College London
Dr Sandra Husbands
NHS Consultant Public Health Medicine
Dr Sabina Fatima Hussain
Specialist Registrar in Public Health
Jan Hutchinson
Director of Public Health
Paul Iggulden
Independent Public Health Specialist
Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu
Consultant Epidemiologist, Health Protection Agency
Kathryn Ingold
Public Health Speciality Registrar, Leeds
Dr Maggie Ireland
North East Public Health Doctor
Dr Helene Irvine
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Richard Jarvis
Consultant in communicable disease control and public health medicine, NHS Merseyside
Charlotte Jeavons
Programme Leader, Public Health, University of Greenwich
Dr Anna Jones
Teaching fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Margaret Jones
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Sefton
Lesley Jones
Deputy Director Public Health, NHS Bolton
Professor Frank Kee
UKCRC Centre of Excellence, Queens University Belfast
Dr Gifford Kerr
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Blackburn with Darwen
Dr Anuj Kapilashrami
Lecturer Global Public, University of Edinburgh
Dr S Vittal Katikireddi
Clinical Research Fellow, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit & Specialty Registrar in Public Health Medicine, NHS Lothian
Dr Marko Kerac
Specialty Registrar & Academic Clinical Fellow, Public Health
Dr Mark Lambert
NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Professor Tim Lang
School of Health Sciences, City University London
Dr Rajalakshmi Lakshman
Clinical Scientist and Honorary Consultant in Public Health, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
Dr Bruce Laurence
Acting Director of Public Health for Derbyshire
David Lawrence
Consultant in Public Health, NHS SE London
Mike Leaf
Acting Director of Public Health, NHS North Lancashire
Ben Leaman
Specialist Public Health Registrar, Yorks & Humber
Dr Conan Leavey
Senior Lecturer Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Joyce Leeson
Retired Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Manchester University
Dr Nicholas Leigh-Hunt
Public Health Registrar, NHS Leeds
Professor David Leon
Professor of Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Valerie A Little
Director of Public Health, Dudley
Mary Lyons
Public Health Specialist, NHS Central Lancashire
John Lucy
Associate Director of Public Health, Liverpool Primary Care Trust
Dr Helen Maguire
Health Protection Agency, London
Dr GJ MacArthur
Academic Public Health Training Fellow, University of Bristol
Professor Alison Macfarlane
Professor of Perinatal Health, City University London
Dr Frances MacGuire
Specialist Registrar, Public Health
Dr Paul Madill
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS South of Tyne and Wear
Dr Alexis Macherianakis
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Sandwell PCT
Shepherd Masara
Associate member of the Faculty of Public Health
Dr Mashbileg Maidrag
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Suffolk/Suffolk County Council
Alan Maryon-Davis
Hon Professor of Public Health, Kings College London and Immediate Past President of the UK Faculty of Public Health
Dr Christina Maslen
Clinical Effectiveness Lead, Public Health Directorate, NHS Bristol
Dr Rebecca Mason
Specialty Registrar (Public Health), Mersey Deanery
Sue Matthews
Public Health Specialty Registrar, Hertfordshire PCT
Dr Eleni Maunder
Retired Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, Bournemouth University
Janet Maxwell
Director of Public Health, NHS Berkshire West
Dr Melanie Maxwell
Associate Medical Director and Public Health Specialist, Wirral University Teaching Hospital
Dr Gerry McCartney
Public Health Consultant, NHS Health Scotland
David McConalogue
Speciality Registrar in Public Health
Dr David McCoy
Associate Director of Public Health and Consultant Public Health Medicine, Inner North West London PCT, NHS
Amy McCullough
Public Health Specialty Registrar
Professor James McEwen
Emeritus Professor in Public Health, University of Glasgow
Lynne McNiven
Public Health Consultant, Assistant Director of Public Health, NHS Lincolnshire
Dr Sarah McNulty
Assistant Director of Public Health, Quality and Health Protection, NHS Knowsley
Professor Klim McPherson
Visiting Professor of Public Health Epidemiology, University of Oxford
Dr Jeff Mecaskey
Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health
Elaine Michel
Interim Director of Public Health, NHS Tameside & Glossop
Professor Susan Michie
Professor of Health Psychology, University College London
Dr John Middleton
Senior NHS Director of Public Health
Dr May Moonan
Clinical Lecturer in Public Health Medicine and NICE Scholar/Specialty Registrar in Public Health, University of Liverpool
Professor Robert Moore
School of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool
Dr Gemma Morgan
Academic Public Health Training Fellow, University of Bristol
Maria Morgan
Lecturer in Dental Public Health, Cardiff University School of Dentistry
Dr Andrew Mortimore
Director of Public Health, Southampton
Dr Anna Morris
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Hampshire
Maggi Morris
Director of Public Health, Central Lancashire
Aldo Mussi
Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Birmingham City University
Dr Bernadette Nazareth
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, HPA Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire
Professor Angus Nicoll, CBE
Former Director, Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, Health Protection Agency
Dr Rory O’Conor
Consultant in Public Health, Wakefield PCT & YHPHO
Claire O'Donnell
Clinical Effectiveness Specialist in Public Health, North West Specialised Commissioning Team
John O'Dowd
Consultant Public Health Physician (Child Health), NHS Scotland
Professor Eileen O’Keefe
Professor of Public Health, London Metropolitan University
Dr Donal O'Sullivan
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS South East London
Dr Ifeoma Onyia
Public Health Physician
James Lindley Owen
NHS Consultant in Public Health
Dr Kishor Padki
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS South West Essex
Dr Arun Patel
Associate Director of Public Health, South West Essex PCT
Dr Matthieu Pegorie
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Trafford
Dr David Pencheon
Director, NHS Sustainable Development Unit (England
Sarah Phillips
Public Health Intelligence Analyst, NHS South Gloucestershire
Professor Kate Pickett
Professor of Epidemiology, University of York
Dr Mary Pierce
Clinical Epidemiologist, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing
Dr David Pitches
Locum Consultant in Public Health, NHS Walsall
Professor Tanja Pless-Mulloli
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University
Dr George Pollock
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
Professor Jennie Popay
Professor of Sociology and Public Health, Lancaster University
Dr Debora Price
Senior Lecturer, Gerontology, King's College London
Alison Pritchard
Consultant in Public Health, Derbyshire County PCT
Dr Angela E Raffle
Consultant in Public Health, Bristol
Professor Rosalind Raine
Professor of Health Care Evaluation, University College London
Thara Raj
NHS Public Health Manager
Dr Giri Rajaratnam
Deputy RDPH, East Midlands NHS
Professor Salman Rawaf
Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education, Imperial College London
Mr Abdul Razzaq
Joint Director of Public Health and Senior NHS Public Health Consultant
Dr Arif Rajpura
Director of Public Health, NHS Blackpool
Dr Boika Rechel
Clinical Lecturer in Public Health and Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine, University of East Anglia
Dr Paul Redgrave
Consultant Public Health
Professor Margaret Reid
Professor Emeritus, Public Health, University of Glasgow
Dr Mark Reilly
Assistant Director Public Health Intelligence, NHS Tees
Becky Reynolds
Speciality Registrar in Public Health, Yorkshire and Humber Deanery
Professor Jammi Rao
Visiting Professor in Public Health, Staffordshire University
Prof Jennifer Roberts
Prof Emeritus in Economics of Public Health, LSHTM
Dr Heather Roberts
Director of Postgraduate Education, School of Community Health Sciences, City Hospital, Nottingham
Professor Paul Roderick
Professor of Public Health, University of Southampton
Helen Ross
Hon Member of the Faculty of Public Health
David Ross
Consultant Public Health Medicine
Dr Eleanor Rutter
Public Health Specialist Registrar, NHS Sheffield
Prof Harry Rutter
Director, National Obesity Observatory
Dr Alison Rylands
Director of Public Health, North West Specialised Commissioning Team
Dr Vanessa Saliba
Public Health Specialty Registrar, Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Martin Schweiger
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, West Yorkshire Health Protection Unit
Dr Sonya Scott
Specialty Registrar in Public Health Medicine
Dr Alex Scott-Samuel
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health, University of Liverpool
Dr Anjila Shah
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Sefton
Professor Prakash Shetty
Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Southampton University
Dr Mohit Sharma
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Oxford Deanery and University of Oxford
Dr Sally Sheard
Senior Lecturer in History of Medicine, University of Liverpool
Jessica Sheringham~
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, North London
Dr Khesh Sidhu
NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Professor Peter Sims
Honorary Teaching Fellow, Peninsula Medical School
Dr Katherine Smith
Lecturer in Global Public Health, University of Edinburgh
Professor Alwyn Smith CBE
Past President, Faculty of Public Health
Dr Jenifer Smith
Director of Public Health and Chief Medical Advisor, Isle of Wight NHS PCT
Victoria Smith
Health Improvement Officer, Blaby District Council
Dr Tasmin Sommerfield
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Rosamund Southgate
Public Health Specialty Registrar, Oxford Deanery
Dr Dan Seddon
NHS Public Health Consultant and Public Health Educator
Dr Ruth Stern
Honorary Visiting Fellow, London Metropolitan University
Dr Alex G Stewart
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Cheshire & Merseyside HealthProtection Unit
Professor Tony Stewart
Professor in Public Health / NHS Consultant in Public Health, Staffordshire University
Dr Alex Stirling
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Ljuba Stirzaker
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Cluster
Laura Stroud
Lecturer in Public Health, University of Leeds
Dr Graham Sutton
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Leeds
Professor Stephanie Taylor
Professor in Public Health and Primary Care, Queen Mary University of London
Dr David Taylor-Robinson
Clinical Lecturer in Public Health, University of Liverpool
Alison Tennant
Specialist in Pharmaceutical Public Health, NHS Dudley
Sarah Theaker
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Nottinghamshire County
Richard Thomson
Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, Newcastle University
Martin Tobin
Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Leicester
Dr Daniel Todkill
SpR in Public Health Medicine
Julie Tolhurst
Health Improvement Practitioner, Public Health Directorate, NHS Kirklees
Dr Caroline Tomes
Public Health Specialty Registrar, NHS Cambridgeshire
Dr John Tomlinson
Deputy DPH, NHS Nottinghamshire and FPH East Midlands Local Board Representative
Dr Paul S Turner
NHS Consultant in Public Health
Pat Turton
Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England
Linda Turner
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Sefton
Paul Turner
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Ashton, Leigh and Wigan
Ruth Twiggins
Head of Public Health: Health Inclusion Team, NHS Wakefield District
Louise Unsworth,
NHS Public Health Consultant, North East Public Health Observatory
Emily van de Venter
Public Health Speciality Registrar
Professor Edwin van Teijlingen
Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health School of Health & Social Care, Bournemouth University
Dr Marie-Noelle Vieu
Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health
Dr Rebecca Wagstaff
Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Cumbria
Dr Andy Wakeman
Senior NHS Public Health Consultant
Alice Walsh
Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Gloucestershire
Sue Wardle
Public Health Specialist, South Staffordshire Primary Care Trust
Professor Richard G Watt
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL
Dr Joanna Watson
Unemployed Public Health doctor, Leicester
Dr Helen Webster
Speciality Registrar in Public Health, West Midlands
Sarah Weld
Public Health Specialty Registrar, NHS Wiltshire
Dr Jane Wells
NHS Public Health Physician, Oxford
Professor Robert West
Director of Tobacco Research, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
Dr Ben Wheeler
Research Fellow, European Centre for Environment & Human Health
Professor Peter Whincup
Professor of Epidemiology, University of London
Professor Martin White
Professor of Public Health, Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University
Professor Margaret Whitehead
Professor of Public Health, University of Liverpool
Dr Lisa Wilkins
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Oldham
Dr Ewan Wilkinson
NHS Public Health physician, Liverpool
Professor John Wilkinson
Professor of Public Health, Durham University
Professor Charles Wolfe
Professor of Public Health, King's College London
Dr Ingrid Wolfe
Child Public Health Research Fellow and Paediatrician
Dr Fiona Wright
Assistant Director of Public Health, Haringey
Huda Yusuf
Specialist Registrar Dental Public Health, North West & North Central London Primary Care Trusts
Dr Helen Zealley, OBE
Former Director of Public Health, NHS Lothian
Dr Rosemary Millar
Specialty Trainee in Public Health, NHS Tayside
Jay Succaram
Senior Lecturer, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare, University of West London
Dr Rachel C Thorpe
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Celia Duff
Specialty Training Programme Director, East of England
Dominic Mellon
Specialty Registrar - Public Health, South West Public Health Training Programme
Helene Denness
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Babington Hospital
Dr Ayoola Oyinloye
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Swindon
Dr Ardiana Gjini
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Bristol and NHS North Somerset
Dr Hynek Pikhart
Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, University College London
Dr Joshna Ahir
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Yorkshire and The Humber
Dr Nora Pashayan
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Applied Health Research, University College London
Shaukat Ali
Public Health Specialist, Sandwell Primary Care Trust
Julie George
NIHR Doctoral Fellow, University College London
Dr Andy Liggins
Director of Public Health, Peterborough
Dr Tasmin Sommerfield
Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lanarkshire
Dr Rosemary Millar
Specialty Trainee in Public Health, NHS Tayside
Professor Eileen Kaner
Director of the Institute of Health and Society and Professor of Public Health Research, Newcastle University
Dr Alison McCallum
Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian
Dr Eleanor Hill
Public Health Specialist, Stockport PCT
Kevin Elliston
Interim Associate Director of Public Health and Visiting Professor in Public Health, NHS Plymouth
Dr Jo Williams
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Bristol
Dr Merav Kliner
SpR Public Health, Yorkshire and Humber
Jan van der Meulen
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr Lynne Hamilton
SpR in Public Health Medicine, Tayside NHS Board Public Health
Carl Mackie
Advanced Health Improvement Practitioner, Huddersfield
Veronica Killen
Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Northumbria University
Helen McAuslane
Public Health Specialty Registrar, Leeds
Anna Middlemiss
Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Elisabeth Smart
Consultant in Public Health, Dumfries
Dr Jane Bethea
Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Rachel Sokal
Public Health Specialty Registrar, NHS Derbyshire County
Lucy Douglas-Pannett
Public Health Specialty Registrar, NHS Leicester City
Dr Sakthi Karunanithi
Specialist Registrar in Public Health, NHS North Lancashire/NHS North West
Dr Brijender Rana
Consultant Public Health, SEC Specialised Commissioning Group
Dr Pratibha Datta
Consultant in Public Health, Outer North East London (ONEL)
Dr Jennifer Mindell
Clinical Senior Lecturer, University College London
Dr Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Specialist Registrar in Public Health, London
Jo Peden
Public Health Specialty Registrar, South West (North) Health Protection Unit
Dr Imogen Stephens
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Solutions for Public Health, Oxford
Stephen Turnbull
Assistant Director of Public Health, NHS Barnsley / Barnsley MBC
Jonathan Gribbin
NHS Consultant in Public Health
Dr Kate Ardern
NHS Senior Public Health Consultant
Catherine Chiang
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Olusola Aruna
Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Gloucestershire
Professor Ian Watt
Professor of Primary and Community Care/Hull York Medical School
Dr Nigel Field
Academic Clinical Lecturer, University College London
Dan Seddon
NHS Halton and St Helens / Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network
Gaynor Scholefield
Public Health Manager, NHS Calderdale
Prof. Rod Thomson
Director of Public Health, Shropshire County PCT
Dr Katherine Russell
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS North Central London
Dr Angela Bhan
Director of Public Health, Managing Director - Bromley BSU
Abigail Knight
Specialty Registrar in Public Health, NHS Camden
Dr Lucy Reynolds
Consultant Paediatrician, Maternal and Child Public Health Team, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Tim Daniel
Consultant in Public Health
Dr Julian Mallinson
Dr Mike McHugh
Consultant in Public Health
Glenda Augustine
Specialist Trainee in Public Health
Sue Weaver
Public Health Manager, NHS Gloucestershire
Dr Stephen Watkins
Director of Public Health, NHS Stockport
Dr Sian Williams
Consultant in Occupational Medicine, London
Posted by
Dr Grumble
02 October 2011
Crossbench peers invited to Downing Street?
Dr Grumble is beginning to move in high circles. Yesterday he learned from two independent sources that the crossbench peers are being invited to Downing Street to discuss Lansley's Health and Social Care Bill.
The problem with parliament, the Commons particularly, is that most MPs just do what they are told. To be fair, MPs are busy. The NHS Bill is just one of very many things they have to do. Reading it, for most, is not an option and failing to follow party orders has dire consequences for an MP's career progression. Doctors in the new NHS know what this is like. Dr Grumble is anonymous because he wants to say what he believes and not what his NHS masters want him to believe.
The Lords is very different from the Commons. While some of the people there are career politicians who have been pensioned off and given a seat in the best day centre in the land, many others have found another route there. Quite often these will have special expertise in one area or another. This, of course, is vital. Dr Grumble is actually a supporter of the House of Lords. He is even a supporter of the only elected members of the Lords, the hereditary peers. It can't be justified. All Grumble can say is that over the years he has met a few MPs and a few lords. Most of the lords he has met have been patients - all NHS patients (including one hereditary peer). He has been impressed by every single one.
Grumble met another peer when he was a civil servant nearly two decades ago. Grumble had to go to a deprived part of the country to open a new facility. It doesn't matter what it was. To say exactly would identify Grumble. Few if any of Grumble's readers would ever have visited one of these places. Grumble, because of his own special expertise, has lost count of the number he has visited including some abroad. Suffice it to say that a private company had been given sweeteners to set up one of these facilities in a deprived part of Teeside. The Minister was to open it but, as ministers do, he cancelled at the very last moment and a lord was sent up from London instead. The occasion was actually exceedingly boring and Grumble and the noble got chatting over the canapes. The lord had taken the train North and he told Grumble that at one stop a whole lot of mentally impaired people got on the train with their minders and sat next to him. At the next stop the minder called them all off leaving the noble alone in the carriage. Then the minder called to Grumble's noble friend and dragged him off too. "No, no, I'm from the House of Lords!" he said.
You can only tell that joke if you are from the House of Lords and it made Grumble chuckle. He has remembered it all those years. It's not really PC but Grumble liked it. He has liked all the lords he has met and he likes the House of Lords.
Now what is the point of all this sycophantic rambling? It is to explain that these people in the House of Lords are nice fair-minded types who have a sense of vocation and dedication. Some of them can be relied upon to look after the NHS, which they too use. Many members of the lords are spoken for. They wear a party badge just like most of those in the Commons. And, mostly, they will do what they are told. But, in the Lords, there is a big group of crossbenchers. These are people will no overt party affiliations who will do what is right according to the evidence. Already they are exerting their influence.
So, if it is true that the crossbench peers have been invited to Downing Street, you can be sure that there is a reason for this. And you can be sure that they will only hear the side of the story that Downing Street wants them to hear. So if you want them to hear what they should be hearing about the NHS Bill, you may need to get in touch will them. You can find out which lords are crossbenchers here along with their email addresses. Get writing now.
With thanks to Baroness Hussein-Ece (actually a Liberal Democrat), who has advised Grumble that brief emails with bullet points are appropriate, and to @UKHouseofLords with their helpful tweet. Yes, peers tweet!
Posted by
Dr Grumble
27 September 2011
Block the Bridge. Block the Bill.
"The National Health Service is the most important institution we have ever had in this country."
"It's not theirs to sell."
Posted by
Dr Grumble
26 September 2011
18 September 2011
Closing NHS hospitals
"Every year, demand for NHS health care – mainly from the greater number of older people – increases. Over the next five years it will grow by about 20 per cent, yet financing will increase by only one per cent. This is no longer viable."The solution according to Paul Corrigan is to close hospitals. Yes. You read that correctly. The solution to 20% more old people needing more healthcare is to close hospitals - at least 40!
Dr Grumble would be the first to admit that the NHS estate needs rationalising and he would agree that the more you do of one thing the better you get at it but to imply, as Professor Corrigan does, that general hospitals should become specialist centres with one hospital doing one thing and another another is arrant nonsense.

Dr Grumble's masters used to teach him about the unifying diagnosis. The patient presents with various symptoms and signs and the key is to put them all together and find the single diagnosis that accounts for them all. It can work well. Previously fit young people who are acutely unwell are unlikely to have more than one thing wrong with them but it is not the case for the elderly.
It's no good being in a hospital that specialises in the treatment of heart disease and fancy ablation treatment for atrial fibrillation if your heart disease causes a stroke which is treated elsewhere. Or, if you are elderly and need a hip replacement, you do not really want to go to a slick privatised specialist hip replacement centre if you also have diabetes and heart failure as well as your arthritis. You need to be in a large general hospital where there is the right expertise available to cope with every contingency. You need specialist care for your hip but you may well also need specialist care for your heart and for your diabetes and any number of other possible complications. These scenarios are not unusual. In an increasingly elderly population they are the norm.
Paul Corrigan is right. Though he doesn't quite say so, the NHS estate is in a mess. The problem has remained, despite the NHS being a planned service, because politicians have always fought shy of any hospital closure. We can manage with fewer hospitals. But please lets not have small specialist hospitals with ring-fenced work. We need fewer but bigger strategically-placed hospitals with specialists doing sufficient work to do their jobs well with other specialists alongside them.
If demand is increasing by 20% over five years and financing by 1%, hospitals will have to close because there just won't be the money to pay for them. This is a financial solution forced on us by the marktet. But let's not kid ourselves that this is any sort of a solution to the clinical problems we face. What is to happen to all the increasing numbers of frail elderly people for whom there will simply be no hospital beds? Can they really be looked after in the community? Will this be any cheaper? Or does care in the community mean less care or, perhaps, no care?
Posted by
Dr Grumble
03 September 2011
Still time to save the NHS?
Dr Grumble's reader has been in touch with him to find out why he has not been posting recently. The answer is that he has been worn down. The progressive changes that have been taking place to the NHS are approaching their zenith. Always inexorable they are now unstoppable. The faux listening exercise and the apparent response has silenced the dissent. For Grumble it is very sad. The service that he has devoted his working life to is on the verge of destruction. The NHS the public loves will be no more. Not, anyway, in its present form.
That is the negative view. Others, like the redoubtable Clare Gerada, take the alternative view. Clare, or St Clare as Dr Grumble likes to call her, takes the view that all is not lost. Is she right?
Mrs Grumble has noticed the depths of Grumble's depression over the reforms. She took Grumble back to the time of the Iraq war when millions protested and reminded him that he stayed at home that day and left others to waste their time demonstrating. And she reminded him that this is a decision that he now regrets. Not, of course, that it made a blind bit of difference. Is there any point in simply registering a protest when it's clear that it's not going to alter anything?
What puzzles Dr Grumble most about major governmental decisions is just how wrong they can be. You just would not think that any committee of sensible people could get things so utterly wrong. Committees do make mistakes but not on the scale the government does. There must be a reason for this.
What is the reason when it comes to the NHS? There is evidence that relatively dispassionate parliamentary committees, after listening carefully to the evidence, can actually see the truth. Here's what Kevin Barron, Health Committee Chair, said about commissioning:
"It is a sorry story if, after 20 years of attempting to operate commissioning, we remain in the dark about what good it has actually done. The Government must make a bold decision: if improvements fail to materialise, it could be time to blow the final whistle."
The final paragraph of his Committee's report reads:
A number of witnesses argued that we have had the disadvantages of an adversarial system without as yet seeing many benefits from the purchaser/provider split. If reliable figures for the costs of commissioning prove that it is uneconomic and if it does not begin to improve soon, after 20 years of costly failure, the purchaser/provider split may need to be abolished.
So there you have it. The problem is not with committees. The problem is at the highest level of government where decisions are made based on a prevailing dogma driven by intense outside financial interests. The latter have enormous resources at their disposal and they use them to maximum effect. They are very clever, clever enough to defend the indefensible. Only this week Grumble nearly crashed his car as he heard somebody from KPMG extolling the virtues of PFI. The piece was masterly. But wrong. All the pros came across but none of the cons. It didn't take Grumble long to find evidence of a vested interest.
What interests Grumble are the drivers to the government's NHS reforms. Why have successive governments got it so wrong? How is it that the ConDems are able to press on with their misguided plans to essentially sell off our NHS against the wishes of the electorate? Read Liberating the NHS: source and destination of the Lansley reform to find out more.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
19 June 2011
@drgrumble are you going to 'come out' soon? :) I think you might!
So read the tweet from @amcunningham. Yes, Dr Grumble is on twitter. A waste of time? Not really. Teaches brevity you see. Only 140 characters. It's a good discipline. Could change the character of this blog.
Long ago Dr Grumble decided against posting anything about patients. It is a great shame. In his initial naivety, Grumble was hoping to post the odd clinical vignette based on real but anonymised cases. For a while he did. To preserve anonymity he changed the details of the cases he had seen to make them unrecognisable. Genders, ages, dates, places and ethnicity were all changed or randomly allocated. It didn't work. Sometimes the details were tweaked so much that comments would be made pointing out some inconsistency that didn't exist in real life but arose because of the disguise. Then there was always the possibility that while nobody could possibly recognise the patient, the GMC might think that the patient could be recognised from the information provided or, if the case was rare or had some unusual twist, the patient might recognise themselves. Dr Grumble's anonymity was a part of trying to keep his patients anonymous.
But there are other reasons for having a nom de plume. There are other people whose identity you might want to conceal: friends and acquaintances for example. Take yesterday. OK, it might not actually have been yesterday but let's say it was. Yesterday Dr Grumble had some friends around. One had not long ago had her 60th birthday and she regaled us with the tale of her pooh sample. For those of you without a 60-year-old in the family you may not have grasped what this is all about. Once you reach your sixtieth birthday, if you are lucky enough to live that long, you will receive a letter, not from the queen, but from the NHS. It will tell you that you are to be offered a pooh test to look for bowel cancer. Just as you have come to terms with this, a little pack will arrive in the post with the testing kit and instructions. The first challenge is to catch your pooh. You cannot let it plop into the loo. That's not allowed. Somehow you have to catch it. According to Grumble's friend an old ice cream container works well. Your poohs will turn out to be heavier than you expect. You crouch, do the business and catch your plops. Those of you familiar with German loos will know that this is a smelly experience. You then take the sticks, kindly supplied by the NHS, and spread your pooh in the appropriate cardboard window. Two spreads from different parts from each motion. And you do this three times. As Grumble's friend said, it makes a new meaning of the phrase Poohsticks. But the funniest thing of all, if any of this is funny, it that they give you an extra special envelope to send your sample back in and, just after you have sealed it up (no, you don't have to lick it), you will read on the outside "Business post".
After you have tested your pooh, you get an invitation to have some sort of a check-up at the GP's. It is done by a nurse. Just what the nurse does Grumble does not know. Probably she tells you to stop smoking and takes your blood pressure and things like that. In the case of Grumble's friend she discovered an irregular pulse. Good you might think. But it wasn't atrial fibrillation it was just the odd ectopic. This is something that Dr Grumble would have dutifully recorded and would not even have told the patient. But Grumble's friend was sent to the hospital where she had numerous tests paid for under payment by results and was then told there was nothing to worry about. Very costly one would think.
Since Dr Grumble has been tweeting he has had a few contacts with the great and the good, the powerful, the odd celebrity even. No less a person than Alan Maynard tweeted about how nurse practitioners could do some of the jobs of GPs. Mrs Grumble, who used to be a GP does not share this view. Clare Gerada concurs tweeting that there is no such thing as a trivial consultation - which, interestingly, was Mrs Grumble's exact point. It's annoying when management types claim to know more about a job than the people who do it. Many of us will know of some nurses doing doctors jobs who cost more than they save. The same has been shown of some GPs doing consultants' jobs. Dr Grumble generally avoids such anecdotes because he doesn't want to cause upset. In any case, Grumble is employed. He needs to keep his employer sweet. His employer wants more healthcare assistants to do nurses jobs, more nurses to do doctors jobs and more GPs doing consultant jobs. Pointing out that this is not always the right way forward is unwise. Nurses for nursing, doctors for doctoring, GPs for general practice, consultants for consulting and managers (not doctors) for managing is not the way you are allowed to think any more. But that is what Grumble thinks and that is just one reason why he is going to stick to his nom de plume.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
11 June 2011
Radical policies for which no one has voted
If a government is pursuing radical policies for which no one has voted what can you do? Not much really. Writing to your MP is worth a try. It might be more worthwhile if your MP happens to be in the cabinet.
A friend, briefed by Dr Grumble, sent this letter to his MP, a well-known cabinet minister:
Dear Cabinet Minister,
Health and Social Care Bill 2011
I am writing to express my concern about the general direction of the proposed NHS reforms. We have been repeatedly told that the NHS has to change. The evidence for this assertion is lacking. We do have a problem: health-care spending is predicted to rise because of the increasing numbers of elderly and the ever-increasing costs of treatment. That is the problem, not the current structure of the NHS.
The Commonwealth Fund has found the NHS to be the most cost-efficient healthcare service in the world. The World Health Organisation recognises the French system as being the best in the world but the French spend 11.2% of GDP on health care compared with our 8.6%. Despite this, our figures are improving much more rapidly than those in France.
I am particularly concerned about the move towards privatisation and a more American-style system. In the United States spending on health care in the year 2005 was £3921 per person whereas the figure for the NHS was £1603. Are their results any better? No. The British have generally better health and live a year longer. And the cost of administration of the US system is three times that of the NHS.
Why can we not accept that rationing is a fact of life in all health care systems. We need to ration on the basis of need. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence has led the way on this, is admired throughout the world and has ensured that we provide the best treatments to the greatest number of people.
We all accept that there is a need to keep healthcare spending under control but allowing the NHS to fragment into a loose association of multiple providers all in competition with each other is hardly the route to cost-effective integrated health care. I do hope you will do what you can to ensure that the Bill is shelved.
Yours sincerely,
A Grumblefriend
The reply he received is as follows:
Dear Mr Grumblefriend,
Thank you for your letter. Our plans to modernise the NHS have a simple aim: to ensure everyone is provided with healthcare - free at the point of use - which is the best in the world. At the moment, and despite years of extra investment productivity has declined by 15 per cent over the previous 10 years. We have to modernise the NHS to ensure that it is ready to meet the twin pressures of an ageing population and rapid advances in medicine.
We have already made several changes in response to concerns voiced by healthcare professionals - this includes strengthening the provision that competition will be based on quality not price. I can also assure you that the Secretary of State will still have a duty to promote a comprehensive health service. Now that the Bill has passed through the Commons there is a natural pause before it is considered by the Lords. We will be using this break to listen to the concerns that people still have. Where those concerns are genuine we will engage with those who want the NHS to succeed and make amendments to improve the Bill.
Yours sincerely,
A Cabinet Minister
The cabinet minister signs off with just his first name. Grumble's friend moves in high circles. The letter is clearly a standard reply. It even mentions a major concern that Grumble's friend neglected to raise: the crucial change in the responsibility of the Secretary of State who now only has a duty 'to promote' a comprehensive health service. Plainly it is not just a few maverick medical bloggers who have spotted this fundamental change to the law.
This bland mollifying reply, sent doubtless to numerous constituents, actually reveals that they are not going to budge one iota on this crucial point. No longer will the law state that the Secretary of State
"must...provide or secure the provision of [National Health] services.."The duty to provide comprehensive health care has gone. The requirement that previous benevolent governments took upon themselves at times of great hardship to provide healthcare for us all, rich and poor, has been taken away. It has gone forever.
‘The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it.’Aneurin Bevan
Are there still enough folk out there with the faith to fight? Possibly not. Not in parliament anyway. People are afraid. Very afraid. And they are right to be.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
06 June 2011
02 June 2011
Just how much can you get from a pint pot?
Never in the history of the NHS has a parliamentary Bill met with the level of opposition that has confronted the Lansley Health and Social Care Bill. What Lansley lacks in drafting skills he makes up for with tenacity and nobody would be surprised to learn that he is now fighting a rearguard action to drive through the changes he and his henchman have decided are necessary. Now you might think that Grumble is a bit antagonistic towards Mr Lansley. And you would be right. But Grumble is a fair man and he likes to look at the evidence and, if there is no evidence, the arguments. So it was with interest that Grumble read Lansley's recent article in the Telegraph. Unsurprisingly there is quite a lot wrong with it.
Now if Grumble were to write an article on the NHS he would start with a little homily about the wonders of the health service. It is the obvious way to start but we don't get this from the Secretary of State. Oh no. Quite the opposite. He sees the NHS not as something to be valued and cherished but a burdensome yoke. Keeping it going as it is will inevtiably lead to a 'crisis tomorrow'. What is his evidence? It is that there are 'enormous financial pressures looming on the horizon'. You have heard it all before. This is the 'something must be done' argument which politicians use to justify almost anything that they want to change - especially when they have no better argument for change.
Now nobody doubts that there is going to be a crisis ahead as far as funding the NHS is concerned. But this is not to do with the NHS itself. This is a problem which is going to face every modern healthcare system in the world. There are various reasons for this. Lansley enumerates them - one of the few things he has got right.
Another thing that Lansley probably has got right is the funding gap. He tells us that by 2015 the health service will need £130 billion per year and that this leaves a funding gap of £20 billion. OK. Dr Grumble believes him. Something does have to be done to deal with this. But what is his solution to this problem? The answer it seems is that the NHS is going to have to work smarter. Then, in the same breath, he trots out the already discredited but now standard political tale of the poor cancer performance of the NHS and the equally discredited heart disease figures. What has this to do with saving money? If he is right and we are doing so badly, this is going to need more money not less. This is not just about 'working smarter'. And, in any case, if you save people from these diseases they live longer to die of something else and that ends up costing the NHS more not less. It is actually the success of the NHS with rapidly increasing numbers of elderly that has caused the impending healthcare spending crisis. It is not the poor performance of the NHS that is responsible for the looming crisis, it is the opposite.
Then he trots out the oft repeated mantra of 'no decision about me without me' and 'patient empowerment'. Laudable though these may be, how can patient empowerment possibly fill the funding gap?
So now Grumble is really left wondering about what the Lansley Bill is really about because saving money through improved efficiency does not seem to be it. Empowering the patient and chopping up the NHS into multiple providers each competing with each other is hardly likely to save money. The reason why there are now so many managers in the NHS is because of the preparation for privatisation. Running a market inevitably wastes money. It requires managers to commission services and it requires regulation. What is even worse is that organisations which get paid per item of work will, surprise, surprise, do more work. That might be good for waiting lists but it is not good if you want to save money. Saving money is about minimising healthcare and, believe it or not, you probably can do that without necessarily damaging the quality of care. That is smarter working but you won't get that from a market that pays you more if you do more work.
What is this Bill really about? How is Lansley going to make up the £20 billion shortfall when the new NHS he is creating will be less and not more efficient? There can be only one answer. This is the beginning of the winding down of the NHS. Patients will somehow be persuaded that they need to pay for some of their healthcare themselves. That is where 'empowering the patient' comes in. What other explanation can there be?
Oh, one more thing Grumble nearly forgot. Messrs Lansley and Cameron like to compare healthcare in France with healthcare in the UK to demonstrate how rotten the NHS is. It's doubtful if the figures they give you are at all reliable but one thing they always fail to tell you is that in France they spend 29% more on their healthcare than we spend on the NHS. If we did the same we wouldn't have a funding shortfall. We would be in credit.
Mr Lansley is never going to get a quart out of a pint pot and he knows it. The real intent is in the title of the Lansley article: "Why the health service needs surgery". Notice the NHS doesn't need medicine, it needs surgery. And we all know what that means. Surgery involves cutting and Dr Grumble is suspicious that the Lansley Bill will ultimately lead to exactly that: cuts.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
21 May 2011
The devastating power of words
Everybody now knows that there is widespread disquiet over Lansley's Bill. There is no argument about that. And it is becoming increasingly clear that Mr Cameron's pause and listen is really just a political ploy to enable what will essentially amount to the original bill being railroaded through parliament much as was originally intended.
What was originally intended? The answer is in the draft Conservative Manifesto published in 2010. Here it states:
With less political interference in the NHS, we will turn the Department of Health into a Department of Public Health so that the prevention of illness gets the attention from government it needs.
Just one sentence. Innocuous enough you might think. When Grumble read this he thought this was a cosmetic name change. Governments like to change the names of things. It gives the illusion of progress when in fact all that has happened is that the label over the departmental portico has been repainted. But when it comes to the health service the real intent is not always spelt out. It is not just the Conservative party that has been calculatedly vague: New Labour were masters of obfuscation. Read that paragraph carefully and extrapolate and all is revealed.
You see Public Health is actually only a very small part of health. About 3% in fact. It is important but it is hardly what most people would call healthcare. It is about preventing the spread of infectious diseases and the like. It is something that government has to be involved in because these things cannot be dealt with just at a local level. There has to be an input from national government. It is not a duty you can palm off on others.
OK so far? The next bit is where you have to read between the lines. If the Department of Health is going to do Public Health which will have "the attention from government it needs" what happens to everything else the Department of Health (and government) used to have a responsibility for? The answer, if Grumble's interpretation is correct, is that these other things do not need the attention of government. That is essentially the meaning of "less political interference in the NHS". It is a euphemism for government abandoning the NHS to its own devices. OK. Dr Grumble is sensitive to how his sceptical readers may be thinking. This could be an extrapolation too far.
So let's now take a look at the new Bill. But before we do we need to know where we start from. Here is a key responsibility for the Secretary of State as laid down in the National Health Service Act 2006.
National Health Service Act 2006
1 Secretary of State's duty to promote health service
(1) The Secretary of State must continue the promotion in England of a comprehensive health service designed to secure improvement—
(a) in the physical and mental health of the people of England, and
(b) in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness.
(2) The Secretary of State must for that purpose provide or secure the provision of services in accordance with this Act.
Take a look at (2). Here you see a clear statement that the Secretary of State has to provide or secure the provision of services to prevent, diagnose and treat physical and mental illnesses amongst the people of England. That anyway is Grumble's interpretation of the words of the law. Grumble could be wrong. He is not a lawyer but that is how the law seems to read. To be frank, it is a pretty tall order. Our government has to provide for the health needs of each and every one of us. It is a very British thing. Electing governments to look after our health is something we in England do. It is something the electorate wants and expects. It is one of the things we have governments for. They need to defend the realm and look after us, including our healthcare. It has been like that for more than 60 years. And we want it to stay that way.
Of course this is an enormous responsibility for a government so it is no surprise that all the major political parties want to be rid of this commitment. Just as they do not want to run the railways, schools or universities or, well, anything. Today's citizen must stand up on his own two feet and look after himself. It is inconvenient for the old Etonians in charge that the public might actually expect them to provide some infrastructure for the country like decent roads and a rail network and schooling for our children and universities. But there it is. We do. And we are not impressed that students with no money have to pay for their own education. We are not at all impressed. It might be OK for your children, Mr Cameron. It might even be OK for Grumble's children but it is hardly fair on the children from the council estate.
Grumble is digressing somewhat but you can see there is a theme here. And the theme extends to the NHS. Because they don't want to provide that any more either. Who do they expect to do that? Well, it's your GP isn't it? You might think your GP was busy enough seeing patients. And you might well be right but he now has to run the NHS as well - instead of the Secretary of State.
Now we come to the important bit because Grumble has, up to now, been speculating. It could be that things aren't really quite this bad. So let's now take a look at the Mr Lansley's Bill. Is there anything in the new words of the law that gives credence to Grumble's eccentric suspicions? Here is the relevant bit :
The Lansley Bill
Secretary of State's duty to promote health service
(1) The Secretary of State must continue the promotion in England of a comprehensive health service designed to secure improvement—
(a) in the physical and mental health of the people of England, and
(b) in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness.
In other words, whereas previously the Secretary of State had to "provide or secure the provision of services" he now only has to "promote a comprehensive health service".
Please forgive Dr Grumble if he has got this wrong. Grumble has no legal training. The law is perplexing but Grumble can read and it looks very much as if Lansley is largely washing his hands of any responsibility for having to provide healthcare to us all. This is a momentous change. It is one that those of us who do not have the time to trawl through the legal gobbledegook may have missed. These words are crucial. For the NHS they are devastating.
Grumble was made aware of this drastic change by Dr No. Richard Blogger has also contributed to Grumble's understanding as well as the Witch Doctor who has also heightened Grumble's concern over this crucial element of an insidious bill. Dr Grumble thanks them all.
Posted by
Dr Grumble
20 May 2011
19 May 2011
Saving healthcare costs with technology
Dr Grumble is often being told by management consultants and the like that his patients can now be looked after in their own homes instead of the hospital with the aid of various bits of innovative kit that will monitor their condition and alert doctors via the internet when they are becoming unwell. Grumble has always been somewhat baffled these claims. Can technology really be the answer to rising costs in healthcare? The question is addressed in this video.
The answer is no surprise to Dr Grumble. Perhaps it is not obvious to the management consultants. They know about finance but they really do not seem to grasp the fundamentals of healthcare. Healthcare as a business is rather different from what most managers are familiar with. They understand the problem: healthcare costs. But soultions like privatisation are never going to solve this. Quite the opposite. A very different approach is needed. The video makes that clear.
Posted by
Dr Grumble